From Timeless Tomato to Timeless Forever

导读:From Timeless Tomato to Timeless Forever 时光番茄,已是时光永恒。 Singapore A Singapore local company Timeless Tomato is proud to share that they are rebranding the company with a new name and a new logo. This may seem like a sign...

From Timeless Tomato to Timeless Forever


From Timeless Tomato to Timeless Forever

From Timeless Tomato to Timeless Forever

Singapore – A Singapore local company Timeless Tomato is proud to share that they are rebranding the company with a new name and a new logo. This may seem like a significant development but the founders of the once Timeless Tomato, now TIMELESS FOREVER®, assures their customers and supporters that their core values remain unchanged. With regards to their values, their partners and their customers, the Singapore Company promises that their core philosophies will be the same.




From Timeless Tomato to Timeless Forever

TIMELESS FOREVER® now has a fresh, confident and youthful new look with bold fonts, diverse colours and most of all, diamonds. TIMELESS FOREVER® is going for a simplistic approach to its rebranding, utilising a concrete diamond as its brand logo to symbolise a clear and concise image for the brand. The brand logo defines the brand’s values of simplicity with principles, focused and with foresight and exquisite yet humble. The TIMELESS FOREVER® team mentions that this would continue to define them even in the future.

TIMELESS FOREVER® 时光永恒,现在拥有着清新、青春和自信的新外观:醒目的字体,多元化色彩和最具有决定性的元素:钻石。它看起来似乎很简单!如果您这样认为,那么您绝对正确。它采用的是一个具象化的钻石,非常清晰完整的标识,并体现了我们的品牌调性:简单而有原则,专注并具远见,精巧而谦卑,这一直是我们的定义。往后,这也将继续定义着我们。

From Timeless Tomato to Timeless Forever

The reason for this decision is due to the constant changes in the world of medical aesthetics. TIMELESS FOREVER® believes that the real challenge is to help all partners and customers deal with this rapidly changing world in the simplest, safest and most effective way. Especially in this time when the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic, TIMELESS FOREVER® commits to continue providing better services to every partner and customer, crossing national boundaries, ages, gender, and doing their best in a simpler, more professional and more comprehensive way.

医美和美学世界的不断变化令我们不得不做出新的决策应对。于我们而言,真正的挑战是帮助所有合作伙伴和客户以最简单的最安全有效的方式,来应对这个瞬息万变的世界。尤其是在全球面临疫情COVID-19 的时期,我们将致力于为每一位合作伙伴和客户提供更好的服务,跨越国界、年龄、性别,以更简单、更专业、更全面的方式竭尽全力。

In the world now, change is the only constant. Constant change means that we need to be resilient and sharp at all times and a diamond is the symbolic representation of that. TIMELESS FOREVER® believes that they will continue to remain trending, competitive, innovative and full of vitality.


Diamonds are also the embodiment of the solid foundation and long-term vision of the TIMELESS FOREVER® team. In the past five years, TIMELESS FOREVER® has based themselves on the principles of honesty, trusthworthiness and transparency. For things of great quality, abundance of experience brings about stability and trust from customers. TIMELESS FOREVER® hopes to use their past experiences as a foundation for the future.

钻石也是TIMELESS FOREVER® 团队的坚实基础和长期愿景的体现。在过去5 年中,我们建立在诚实守信和透明度的原则之上。卓越的品质,丰富的经验带来的长期稳定、客户始终如一的信任,与我们始终保持当下的愿望很好地平衡,面对市场和大环境的冲击,我们昂首阔步,走得更稳更远。钻石则也体现了这种连续性和平衡感,将我们的过去与未来联系在一起。

In addition, diamonds also emphasize our attention to medical beauty and aesthetics. It utilises impeccable attention, unwavering qualities and a perfect fusion of art and science to continuously provide the best aesthetic solutions.


The team from TIMELESS FOREVER® remarks that “Efficiency and safety are the cores of our endless pursuit in medical aesthetics. We hope that in turn, it gives our partners, customers and even ourselves more strength in terms of beauty, hope and confidence. These emotions will continue to drive us to work harder and better for everyone because when everyone starts to walk together, we will all start to realise that are more ways than one in the pursuit of beauty. We welcome all to the new TIMELESS FOREVER®”

功效和安全性是我们一直关注的核心,也是我们孜孜不倦的追求。反过来它给予我们的合作伙伴、客户甚至是我们自己,它提供的力量更加强大:美丽,希望,自信......这些情感将继续驱动着我们。因为当我们走在一起时,大家都会发现追求美的方式其实不止一种。欢迎来到新的TIMELESS FOREVER®。


关键词: Timeless For
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